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Grade 6 at the Alberta Legislature!

Our Grade 6 students recently had the unique opportunity to visit the Alberta Legislature Building in Edmonton - it was a day filled with excitement, learning and hands-on experiences that brought their social studies lessons to life!

During the visit, the students deepened their understanding of civic responsibility, and the important role that elected officials play in shaping our province. They learned firsthand about how bills are made into laws, from the early stages of proposal to the final stages of debate and approval. This glimpse into the legislative process gave them a new appreciation for the democratic system and the responsibilities we all share as citizens of Alberta.

A highlight of the day was the students' special access to the lower level of the Legislature, where they were able to sit in the very seats that our Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) occupy. This is an honor typically reserved for MLAs themselves, so it was a rare treat for our students to see the chambers from such a dynamic perspective.

To add to the experience, they were treated to a 4D theatre experience that took them on a journey through Alberta's rich history. From its early days of settlement to its growth as a province, the show made history come alive! In addition to learning about the inner workings of government, the students enjoyed a tour of the Legislature, appreciating the beautiful architecture and grounds and are symbols of Alberta's heritage.

This trip was the perfect blend of education, history and fun. It's safe to say that our Grade 6's returned with a new understanding of Alberta's government and their own role in its future!

Grade 6 Legislature Trip 2024

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